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Workshops - Druckkunst-Museum Leipzig


The Museum offers a wide range of classes and education programms for children, students and adults.

The first self-composed lines of types

In our typefoundry

Little artists at work

Little artists at work

Little artists at work

Little artists at work

Qualified personnel explains the machines and demonstrates them

Please refer for more information to the staff of the museum or have a look at the german section.
We will be glad to offer you a guided tour, an artistic class or special training in the graphic arts.

What is the sum of 3 and 9?

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Stiftung Werkstattmuseum

für Druckkunst Leipzig

Nonnenstraße 38 | 04229 Leipzig

+49 341/2 31 62-0

+49 341/2 31 62-20


© Museum für Druckkunst Leipzig 2025