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37. Leipziger Grafikbörse – Turbulence - Druckkunst-Museum Leipzig

37. Leipziger Grafikbörse – Turbulence



The interpretations are manifold. It is about social topics such as weather, climate, politics or economy, but also private, interpersonal or mental turbulence. Many things stir up and everything makes you think. The artists make use of various printmaking techniques and also experiment with mixed forms.


The exhibition shows the diversity of contemporary printmaking in Leipzig and Central Germany, and is also a contribution to the preservation of the intangible cultural heritage of printing technology.


Katja Zwirnmann: magia naturalis, woodcut, 2021

Elke Daemmrich: Le soldat, etching, 2021

Angela Hampel: Turbulenzen, lithography, 2022

Exhibition view, Foto: K.-D. Sonntag

Exhibition view, Foto: K.-D. Sonntag

Exhibition view, Foto: K.-D. Sonntag

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Stiftung Werkstattmuseum

für Druckkunst Leipzig

Nonnenstraße 38 | 04229 Leipzig

+49 341/2 31 62-0

+49 341/2 31 62-20


© Museum für Druckkunst Leipzig 2025